Not So Long Ago, Racial Hierarchy Was Justified by Bullshit (Racial) "Science"
"Scientific" Attempts to Prove White Supremacy Failed for the Same Reason Nobody Believes I was the 1986 American League Rookie of the Year: the Claim is Both Absurd and Demonstrably False
Some early humans migrated from Africa to other places on earth which had less sun and, (as expected) their skin became lighter. White people are pale black people.
This means that there is no such thing as “race” and there never has been. The notion that skin pigment and hair texture are signifiers of intelligence (or anything else) is, quite simply, bullshit.
Educated, rational people generally accept certain foundational truths about the world that make intuitive sense and enjoy broad scientific consensus. In this number, I include “facts” like the spherical shape of the earth, the sun as the center of our solar system amidst an unfathomably large universe, and human evolution.
The evidentiary record makes clear that humans evolved from an array of primate ancestors in East Africa about half a million years ago. Scientific tools such as archeological DNA still yield valuable insights, but the “Out of Africa” paradigm holds.
Some early humans migrated from Africa to other places on earth which had less sun and, (as expected) their skin became lighter. White people are pale black people.
This means that there is no such thing as “race” and there never has been. The notion that skin pigment and hair texture are signifiers of intelligence (or anything else) is, quite simply, bullshit.
While I understand that many (*cough* Trump! *cough*) still cling to theories of racial hierarchy, I believe society should simply ignore them for the same reason police departments don’t employ “Psychic Detectives” to solve crimes: we tried it and it turned out to be complete bullshit that yielded dangerously false results.
Defenders of chattel slavery in 19th Century America tried really, really hard to persuade the American public that White Supremacy was scientifically justified. This “scientific” endeavor failed spectacularly for the same reason nobody believed me when I claimed to be 1986 American League Rookie of the Year: I want it to be true, but it’s not. My claim is obviously and demonstrably false (Jose Canseco squeezed me out, BTW).
“Scientific” Racism
Defenders of chattel slavery in 19th Century America tried really, really hard to persuade the American public that White Supremacy was scientifically justified. This “scientific” endeavor failed spectacularly for the same reason nobody believed me when I claimed to be 1986 American League Rookie of the Year: I want it to be true but it’s not. My claim is obviously and demonstrably false (Jose Canseco squeezed me out, BTW).
Unlike my risible claim to baseball greatness, the “scientific” endeavor to “prove” demonstrably false bullshit hurt a lot of people and still poisons American society. Today’s Washington Post reports that the Smithsonian remains in possession of human remains collected — often with neither notice nor consent — in a systemic effort to prove unprovable, abject, bullshit.
The [Smithsonian] brain collection was assembled by a network of scientists, U.S. Army surgeons and professors, records show. Officials from prominent institutions in the United States donated human brains to the museum. The Smithsonian still holds the brains of people from at least 10 foreign countries, including the Philippines, Germany, the Czech Republic and South Africa.
Purge White Supremacy From American Life
White Supremacy is founded on bullshit science that created toxic, deadly results. Like cancer we left untreated, racism continues to metastasize and destroy us.
We can find a humane, dignified way to dispose of the Smithsonian’s human remains. To do so, we must respect the humanity of those who suffered at the hands of Racial “Science,” and cut all ties with the demonstrably false, racist bullshit that is choking us to death.
I never played Major League Baseball; nobody is walking around acting like I did. Racial hierarchy is similarly and spectacularly complete and total bullshit. We should act like it.